Sunday, December 22, 2013

riding the ghost bus (Facebook 7/25/11)

July 25, 2011 at 9:17pm
Twice during the short bus trip to Sheepshead Bay, I see oncoming cars inexplicably swerve in front of us, and then return to their own lane at the last moment.  Approaching the station, as we inch forward in traffic, a car stopped on a side street suddenly accelerates towards us, as if the driver fully expected to be able to pass right through.

Jeez - what's with this Monday evening?

I get off to catch the subway, but part of me pretends I'm still on the bus.  I muse: "...No need to panic.  I turn around, and try to act casual as I check over my fellow passengers for the small, tell-tale signs, such as extra fingers, or mismatched socks..."

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