Saturday, December 21, 2013

how to create an alibi - e-mail joke with new ending (Facebook 12/3/10)

The "real life experience" was close to what was described by a friend - I was hoping she would read it. 

December 3, 2010 at 2:39am

original joke as circulated by e-mail - with some added text inspired by real-life experience

A wife does not come home one night. Says she slept at the home of a friend. The husband calls her 10 best friends. All say they have not seen her. A husband does not come home one night. Says he spent the night at the home of a friend. The wife calls his 10 best friends. Eight say he slept at their house. Two say he is still there! .....

..... She confronts him, and he agrees that his friends are lying, but insists he was actually at home with her, and that she just doesn't remember!

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