Sunday, December 22, 2013

never agree to debate a creationist. (Facebook 10/8/12)

"Never agree to debate a creationist." (a election debate insight)

October 8, 2012 at 9:43pm
... something I read online long ago.  Why not agree to debate a creationist?  Because it automatically elevates his ideas to parity with yours.  And in this kind of venue, he has everything to gain, but you can only lose stature.  You think it's a given that your facts are superior to his conjectures, but you won't be able to prove it to the satisfaction of his audience.  Perhaps, if you were a master in the art of debating, you might be able to destroy the guy - but it's not likely.

Looking back to Wednesday night, it seems that something very much like this happened to Obama.  Obama came armed with facts - but in this kind of venue, Romney's "facts" could seem just as credible as Obama's.  The only way Obama could have "won," would have been by devastating Romney.  But apparently, he didn't think he needed to do that.

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